Friday, June 28, 2019

Our mission president and wife finish their service Sunday.  Today, we held a mission-wide conference so they could give final instruction and say goodbye. So as to make sure everyone got there on time, some of the outliers stayed with missionaries in the city.  We hosted four sister missionaries.

They are delightful women and we enjoyed having them. 

More on the conference later.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

We needed to move two sister missionaries to the little town in which they are serving with a deadline of today. Here is a photo taken yesterday as part of that move.

We utilized just about every cubic inch of space in our Toyota Yaris (including Mary's lap). The luggage rack on top has come in handy too many times to count.

I used to think you needed a pickup, trailer or van to move.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

One of the benefits of being here is that you don't have to go out of your way (DI, Goodwill) to buy used clothing and other items.

You can buy what you need while walking in any busy area (except when it is raining as the ground displays don't work great with rain).

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Today we visited a sister from our branch who, some 17-18 years ago, suffered a stroke which left her paralyzed on the right side when her three children were very young.

She is an inspiration to us as she keeps a very positive attitude, walks about a mile to church (except in winter) and makes a point of testifying each Fast Sunday although getting to the pulpit is a challenge and her speech is labored.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Last night, we had a noche de hogar with Armando and Marcela. As part of that, they fed us picarones.

They are like unsweetened cake donuts that are fried. They are then served in a sauce made up of sugar, cinnamon sticks, orange peels and a couple of other things. It seems that, in Chile, you can't eat without a bebida - carbonated soft drink or juice.

You will notice the wood stove behind Armando. That is how most heat their homes and it results in some smoky air at night.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Part of the fun of driving here is that the the one-way streets can be kind of random in changing direction. We go through the following intersection frequently and it is the safest we have found.

You can't see it very well but Las Heras goes in opposite directions from the street we are on. That is what makes it so safe. There is never any cross traffic here.

Well, the coronavirus cut our mission six months short.  We got a call late last week and left Monday morning. Because of the coronavirus,...