Saturday, September 28, 2019

I mentioned in an earlier post that they do their independence day celebration big here - stretching it over several days.

The biggest celebration in Temuco was on the grounds of the local soccer stadium. As best as I can understand it, the above sign is saying "The celebration of Chileness."

I didn't take very good pictures but it was like a fair with many food stands, jump houses, entertainment and places to try win prizes throwing balls, darts etc.

This was an attraction we hadn't seen before. 2 or 3 kids got inside this inflated round thing and made it move around by trying to climb up the walls.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Today (Sept. 18) is Chilean independence day and they celebrate it big. Part of the celebration is dressing up "de Huasos" and dancing a traditional dance.  Here is a mother and her son dressed up for the occasion.

And here I am kind of dressed up for the occasion.

Eating is a big part of the celebration, too, and I celebrated as much as anyone.
Closest to my right had is an empanada - one of my favorites since my Argentina days. Next to it is a little bread thing with icing. The pink drink is called a terremoto (earthquake). I told them I was surprised that people in Chile would name anything they enjoyed an earthquake. The other drink is Mote con Huesillo. Mote is wheat that has been softened and huesillos are dried peaches that get reconstituted when added to the drink. This drink is very popular and is sold roadside through the summer and fall. I don't feel the need to try it again.

For some reason I couldn't upload a video which is too bad because it was the highlight of the evening. Two men provided live music and the little girl below, with Downs Syndrome and dressed in the holiday garb, was dancing and having a great time at it.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Their independence day here (Sept. 18) is a very big deal and they pretty much celebrate it all week. One of the things they do to celebrate is that the children dress up and do a traditional dance. Here is a selection of the dresses the girls wear.  These are only on sale this time of year.

I will probably have more posts on the holiday later.

Oh, and we have learned that you can be fined a pretty good amount if you don't display a flag on your house for the holiday.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Here is a fun example of the diversity within missionary companionships.

These sisters (one from USA and the other from Argentina) were companions until today. We believe they are the tallest and shortest sister missionaries in our mission.

I guess if you have to wear a tie every day for two years, you might get bored and try new things.  Here is a new thing tied by a missionary from Florida.

He says he unties his tie every night and reties it the next day. I don't think I would have the patience.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Yesterday, we participated in a zone activity in the main plaza of Gorbea.

What a great group of people to hang out with. Their energy and enthusiasm are contagious.

Monday, September 2, 2019

At first I was troubled that Google would keep this kind of information on me.

But then I realized they could be making it all up and I wouldn't have anyway to challenge it.

Still - it doesn't feel right.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Yesterday was our 41st wedding anniversary. We celebrated by going to a Peruvian restaurant which normally would be a little expensive for our taste.

The decor was nice, including the 3-d paintings one of which you see behind us.

Here's to the next 41 years, and beyond.

Well, the coronavirus cut our mission six months short.  We got a call late last week and left Monday morning. Because of the coronavirus,...