Monday, November 25, 2019

We teach an English class each week. As part of that class, we play a portion of a video and ask the class members to listen for the answers to questions. As directed by the teaching materials, we use selected videos from the "I'm a Mormon" collection.  Here is a screen shot from this week's video.

Here is a man who REALLY believes and puts his money (a ton of it) where his mouth is. Until today, I thought I was sacrificing to serve a mission.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Today I return to a couple of previous themes.

First: no-owner dogs
Again, this is the main entrance to probably one of the top ten busiest malls in Chile. Here we have two dogs choosing to sleep on the stairs leading to the main entrance. They were there when we went in and when we came out. Maybe I am jealous that I can't sleep this soundly.

Second: Eagle Rock Lookout

These photos were taken bay someone else in our group and they were too beautiful not to share.

There is a lot of ugly stuff going on in Chile these days but there is certainly much that is beautiful.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

I thought I would share with you a little of how things have changed around here since the riots/demonstrations started a few weeks ago.

Did I mention that, generally, businesses and citizens aren't able to count on the police much to protect their property?  Here is what some businesses have done on Avenida Alemania on which we travel or walk daily.

This bank has covered all of it's lower windows with a form of sheet metal. The deviants were glad to have some fresh space on which to paint their graffiti.

This travel agency put metal plates on the lower widows and plywood on the upper windows.

This is my personal favorite. It is a grocery store. As you can see, they have welded steel plates over all of their lower windows. The have a steel plated door to close when they leave. The white lettering on red says, "Hello! We were waiting for you." That catch phrase now has new meaning.

I don't have a picture of the most troubling change from riots. I had to walk downtown a couple of days ago and noticed that the rioters had torn down many street signs. Not only do I rely on those to let me know what street I am approaching but I really need them to tell which direction(s) one can drive on the road. Roads can go from two-way to one-way to the other-way here so those signs were important to me.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Once every six weeks, more or less, we get to hang out with the elders and sisters of the southern zones.

A good-looking group indeed.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Yesterday, we went to Victoria early for our English class so we could say goodbye to the Sanchez family.

We ministered to them during our tie in the Tolhuaca branch and very much enjoyed our association. Their six-year-old twins helped fill some of our grandparent needs.

We hope to join them in the temple for their sealing before we leave Chile.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

We had a good week and I will start with the most exciting of the news.

This is Owen holding his new baby brother, Davis King Lunt, with the help of his mother, McKenzi. He was born Nov. 1 and we are so grateful that he is here and well and that his mother is doing well. Kevin, the proud father, is taking the picture.

The other news of the week is that we went to Eagle Rock Lookout with the office couples of the mission.  I have never seen a more spectacular view.  I will share pictures but they don't do it justice. The heavily wooded mountains in the forefront and snow-covered volcanoes in the background were amazing. The clear, breezy day added to our experience.

These are the people we went with. The sister standing next to Mary has serious leg problems yet she persisted and made it all the way. We respect her determination. Behind them are very old and large Araucaria araucana trees that are the national tree of Chile. They are different than anything I have seen. Wikipedia says, "Because of the prevalence of similar species in ancient prehistory, it is sometimes called a living fossil."

I must say that you had to be there.  The pictures don't begin to convey the feeling.

Well, the coronavirus cut our mission six months short.  We got a call late last week and left Monday morning. Because of the coronavirus,...